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About DeFiLlama
DefiLlama is the largest TVL aggregator for DeFi (Decentralized Finance). Our data is fully open-source and maintained by a team of passionate individuals and contributors from hundreds of protocols.
Our focus is on accurate data and transparent methodology.
The best way to contact us and the one in which you'll get a reply the fastest is through our Discord. If you want communication to be private you can use Twitter as a slower alternative, or, as an even slower option, you can also contact us by email at [email protected] or [email protected].
For questions around product, methodology, data... You'll get mych faster responses by using our priority support, available here after subscribing
DeFiLlama is a part of Llama Corp.
Llama Corp is a collective building out the decentralized future with data analytics, infrastructure, payments, cross-chain and media solutions used by more than 10M monthly users.
Thanks to Allium for their indexer service.